hy would a predisposition to anorexia survive in the gene pool, especially when one de?ning feature of anorexia is that a
female stops menstruating for at least three consecutive cycles? Therapist Shan Guisinger, who is af?liated with the
University of Montana, speculates that the answer may lie in the bene?ts of anorexia for helping early humans cope with
famine. A female whose genes made her more energetic when she was starving might well have helped her clan survive
times of scarcity: she could scout and forage for food when no one else could. Traits of perfectionism and
overachievement, moreover, could have helped her on difficult foraging journeys. Famine might even have activated her
anorexic condition. And, Guisinger’s theory goes, when food became plentiful again, the tribe would feed her enough for
her to reproduce. Although such a theory is impossible to prove, espousing it can be therapeutic. Telling a woman who
suffers from a disease marked by misery and low self-esteem that she is genetically programmed to be Joan of Arc (who
may have suffered from anorexia, according to Guisinger) may help her see herself as a hero rather than as a failure. She
may then under-
In one theory of the origins of anorexia, the af?icted are likened to French heroine Joan of Arc (above).
stand that anorexia might have once been an asset in emergencies but is an illness in a culture that emphasizes
thinness at all times. The explanation makes sense of their experience, says Guisinger, who has used the concept in her
therapy. It explains why they feel virtuous resisting hunger, see fat on their emaciated bodies, and feel driven to
exercise. Patients tell me, It helped me to recover.’ T.G.
type of cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) to anorexia. Originally developed to treat depression, CBT is designed to help
an anorexic patient change both his or her destructive eating habits and the mental state that led to them. Kaye’s group
and others are exploring psychotherapy strategies that either help anorexics feel pleasure or use incentives for adopting
eating behavior that is geared toward immediate rewards rather than long-term results. Another experimental frontier
involves the use of the hormone leptin, produced by fat cells, to help women with a history of anorexia resume
menstruation and possibly also develop healthier attitudes about food and life. In addition, Compan and her colleagues
are testing a compound in mice that blocks the activity of one type of serotonin receptor in hopes of reducing its
inhibitory effects on appetite in the nucleus accumbens. As these and other treatment ideas move forward, their origins
trace back to the neurobio-
logical, psychological and endocrine roots of disease that may have formed as early as embryonic development. Until
we better understand the biology of these conditions, Kaye says, we can’t devise better treatments. M
(Further Reading)
N Puberty Moderates Genetic In?uences on Disordered Eating. K. L.
Klump, P. S. Perkins, S. A. Burt, M. McGue and W. G. Iacono in Psychological Medicine, Vol. 37, pages 627634; March 2007.
The Genetics of Anorexia Nervosa. C. M. Bulik, M. C. Slof-Op’t Landt, E. F. van Furth and P. F. Sullivan in Annual Review of
Nutrition, Vol. 27, pages 263275; April 2007. Anorexia Induced by Activation of Serotonin 5-HT4 Receptors Is Mediated
by Increases in CART in the Nucleus Accumbens. Alexandra Jean et al. in Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences USA, Vol. 104, No. 41, pages 1633516340; October 9, 2007. Altered Reward Processing in Women Recovered from
Anorexia Nervosa. Angela Wagner et al. in American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 164, No. 12, pages 18; December 2007.
Intrauterine Hormonal Environment and Risk of Developing Anorexia Nervosa. Marco Procopio and Paul Marriott in
Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 64, No. 12, pages 14021408; December 2007.
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