Assignment 1
You are welcomed to use PPT as your final presentation, a video produced by you, interviews conducted by you with a final analysis of your findings). You can be as creative as you like or simply write a 2-3 page paper. -$7
These are prompts to help you with your ideas (choose only one)
If you think of indigeneity or indigenous identities as “rootedness in place” in Alexie, King, Van Camp, and Achebe, then how does space or place operate in their texts? Is location just as much an expression of culture as practices or artefacts? If so, what do travel, migration, or relocation mean for culture in these narratives?
Storytelling is a vital cultural activity in Women in the City of the Dead and the stories by Alexie, King, Van Camp, and Tan. How, then, are stories themselves a cultural artefact? Alternatively, in a more specific sense how are the story itself (as an artifact) and the process of storytelling (as a cultural activity) different?
Cross-cultural points of contact appear across all of our readings. This is most overt with the colonizers in the conclusion to Things Fall Apart, but it is just as important (though less obvious) with the Kentucky Fried Chicken in “NDNs” or Orange Crush and the Mall of America in “Borders.” How do cultural artefacts like the veil, games, food, tools (bicycles), or art change as their context or location alters?
Fausto-Sterling shows how gender is a cultural product distinct from sex. Based on this concept, how is gender regulated as distinct from biological sex through Culture/culture in any of our course materials? In particular, how does this regulation or shaping of gender interact with power, money, social institutions, and inclusion/exclusion?
Assignment 2
Please research the speech given by Theodore Roosevelt on “Americanism” and the article by Randolph S. Bourne, ” Trans-National America”. Please provide 6 examples of why you believe one Author’s ideas are better than the other author’s idea and why. The Paper must not be more than 5 pages or less than 4 pages. -$10