Research the political or social effects of the World Bank or IMF on a particular nation.

Business Plan
August 4, 2017
August 4, 2017
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Research the political or social effects of the World Bank or IMF on a particular nation.

Research the political or social effects of the World Bank or IMF on a particular nation.
Paper instructions:
Complete a 2000€“2200 word term paper on your chosen topic. You will be expected to address your topic using the conceptual framework developed in the course, within a relevant sense of history, and drawing on empirical evidence or legal evidence as required.

Try to use at least 6 academic sources. No Wikipedia!

We recommend that you take an organic approach to building your research paper. Start writing before you start your literature research! Try to get your own voice on paper first, including the questions that you have in your mind. Then, research to explore your own thinking further, to learn what others think of the issue, and to find facts that support or refute your initial views. Answer the questions that were on your mind. Revise your draft as you go along. Keep each of your drafts (POLI 3991 Project draft 1, 2, 3, etc.). This helps you follow the evolution of your own thoughts.

Keep in mind that regardless of the topic or research question you choose, you will need to develop a clear thesis and provide evidence from your research to support your argument (i.e., to defend your position).

Criteria for Evaluating the Project Exam

Whether your Faculty Member agrees with the thesis or the conclusions is not a criterion that will affect your grade, so feel free to express your views and opinions.

The following criteria will be used for evaluating the project exam:
Integration ( 15 marks)

Provides a clear theoretical and conceptual framework
Demonstrates understanding of concepts of social diversity
Understandable to an interdisciplinary audience

Creativity ( 15 marks)

Illustrates a unique voice of the author
Offers insight about a significant issue
Shows risk in thought

Argument ( 15 marks)

Convincing and well supported argument
Good, convincing support for all ideas
Reasoning is explained clearly and includes specific references
Awareness of other interpretations and comparison with yours
Realistic vision of the future

Theme/Thesis ( 15 marks)

Topic/thesis/theme clearly stated
Includes all relevant ideas and considerations
Appropriate sources accurately cited

Organization ( 15 marks)

Thread of argument builds throughout paper
Arrangement of points and evidence is effective
No rambling or repetition
Points are given weighting relevant to importance to the thesis or theme

Writing Style and Format ( 25 marks)

Clear, concise writing that is easily followed
Correct sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and punctuation
References properly and consistently cited and recorded using APA style

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