Women in the military
You will research and prepare an informative speech on a non-fiction topic of women in the military. The speech should be between 10 and 12 minutes long. You are also required to submit a final speaking outline and references list in APA format at the same time. The following is just an Example of the outline.
Sample informative speech outline
The Early History of Animation
By a former student
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I. Introduction :
A. Are you familiar with optical illusions? Think of an image that appears to be moving, although you know it is static. Well, that type of optical illusion, the illusion of motion, is the basis of one of the most popular forms of entertainment, animated movies.
B. Today I would like to tell you about how it all started; I’d like to tell you about the early history of animation. Since most of us enjoy watching animation movies, I think that having a historical perspective on this subject will give us a greater appreciation for the accomplishments in animation.
C. I will first introduce a definition of animation and then I will talk about the inventions that took place between the mid-1600s and the late 19 th century.
D. Most of the actual historical information pertaining to the early history of animation comes from Charles Solomon’s book, Enchanted Drawings: The History of Animation that was first published in 1989.
Let us first define what animation is.
II. Definitions:
B. The Oxford American Dictionary and Language Guide, animation, as a term used in cinematography, means “the technique of filming successive drawings or positions of puppets to create an illusion of movement.”
C. Wikipedia: “animation is a rapid display of a sequence of images to create an illusion of movement.” (Slide 2) The ability of our visual system to perceive the illusion of motion inspired experimentations with animation a long time ago. The history of animation can be traced back to mid-1600s. It was then that the precursors of animation devices were first built.
III. The Precursors of Animation:
A. In 1645, Athanasius Kircher, published The Great Art of Light and Shadow, and introduced the magic lantern. (Slide 3)
B. In 1736, a Dutch scientist, Pieter van Musschenbroek, modified the magic lantern: he included a double set of lenses and a double set of slides. By the mid-1700s travelling shows featuring ghost stories became a popular form of entertainment. (Slide 4)
The magic lantern was not yet an animation device per se. Experiments with animation proper did not start until the first half of the 19th century.
IV. The Early Animation Devices:
A. In 1825, John Paris or Peter Mark Roget or yet another inventor, built the thaumatrope. (Slide 5)
B. In 1831, a Belgian physicist, Joseph Plateau, invented the phenakistoscope (literally “eye deceiver”). (Slide 6)
C. In 1834, William George Horner, built the zoetrope (a wheel of life). (Slide 7)
D. In 1868, John Barnes Linnet patented a kineograph, a flipbook. (Slide 8)
E. In 1877, Charles-Èmile Reynaud, a French artist and inventor, built the praxinoscope. In 1881, Reynaud added a projector to his device, and called the device Theatre Optique. He also began drawing animated stories, first on paper, and then on celluloid. He was the first animator who presented color, animated stories synchronized with a sound track, and projected them onto a screen. (Slide 9)
The era of experimentation with animation devices ended with Reynaud’s Theatre Optique. What followed was the era of the motion picture, which started in 1895 with the Lumière Brothers’ introduction of the cinematograph, but that’s a topic for another discussion.
V. Conclusion (Slide 10: Blank)
B. You can see that animation, which in the U.S. has been thriving in recent years thanks to new computer technologies, has a really long history. The mid-1600s when the magic lantern was first built was a time almost 190 years before photography and more than 200 years before film.
C. So next time you watch the King-Fu Panda in 3D, pause for moment, bring the magic lantern to mind and consider all the magic that has been awakened over the centuries through the power of human imagination and creativity.
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Anderson, Joseph, and Barbara Anderson. “The Myth of Persistence of Vision Revisited.” Journal of Film and Video 45.1 (1993): 3-12. Print.
“Animation.” Wikipedia. 6 Mar. 2001. Web. 12 June 2012.
“History of animation.” Wikipedia. 21 Sept. 2003. Web. 11 June 2012.
Kleiner, Fred S. Gardner’s Art Throughout Ages. A Global History. 13th ed. Boston: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2011. Print.
Muckli, Lars et al. “Primary Visual Cortex Activity along the Apparent-Motion Trace
Reflects Illusory Perception.” Public Library of Science, Biology. 3.8 (2005): 1501-10. Print.
The Oxford American Dictionary and Language Guide. New York, Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999. Print.
Solomon, Charles. Enchanted Drawings: The History of Animation. 1st ed. New York: Knopf, 1989. Print.
Sample of the outline sample sample sample sample sample sample sample sample sample sample sample this is a sample of the outline that has to be created with your topic sample and please no PLAGIARISM.