Real-World Discussion Forum

mistakes made in today’s competetive business environment.
August 4, 2017
August 4, 2017
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Real-World Discussion Forum

Real-World Discussion Forum

NOTE:  This discussion forum counts towards your grade.  It will NOT be accessible after the due date for your Module 2 assignments.

The purpose of this discussion forum  is to engage the class by sharing with your peers knowledge you have learned from this course.   Therefore, this forum is structured to be similar to a mini-research presentation forum. Each student shares with the class in their discussion posting knowledge they have  gained from their research of the following selected Discussion Question:

Select from EITHER Option #1 or #2:

Option #1:

Read pages 93-94 in your text Name of the book : Horngren’s Financial & Managerial Accounting, The Financial Chapters, Student Value Edition and NEW MyAccountingLab with Pearson eText €” Access Card Package, 4/e
ISBN: 9780133451245€³.  Find an annual report for a comany of interest (perhaps your employer).  Publicly held company annual reports (10K) can be located via a search link at

NOTE:  To perform the search in the Edgar Archives the best way is to enter the ticker symbol for the company.  In Yahoo finance (MSN, or other investment websites) enter the company’s name next to the icon Get Quotes.  For example, Tech Data Corp’s ticker symbol is TECD and Bloomin’ Brands ticker symbol is BLMN.  If you need assistance, please e-mail me.

Click on the link to Interactive Data and then the link to the Financial Statements. Locate and review Balance Sheet.  Share in your post why you are interested in this company and information you found useful.
Calculate the Debt Ratio and share what you have learned from this analysis.

NOTE: Title your New Post with the Name of the Company and ticker symbol that you selected.

Option #2:

In your textbook on pages 132-133 Name of the book : Horngren’s Financial & Managerial Accounting, The Financial Chapters, Student Value Edition and NEW MyAccountingLab with Pearson eText €” Access Card Package, 4/e
ISBN: 9780133451245€³ are Decision and Fraud Cases, and Ethical Issues.  Select ONE and post your response to the REQUIREMENT questions that are listed at the end of each case.

NOTE: Title your New Post with the Decision Case (2-1 or 2-2) OR Ethical Issue (2-1) OR Fraud Case (2-1)  that you have selected.

Grading Rubric:  You will earn 100 points when you create a Start a New Thread before the due date of your Module 2 assignments.  NO LATE POSTINGS WILL BE ACCEPTED €“ NO EXCEPTIONS.   After you have conducted your research please share with the class approximately 1-2 paragraphs (less than 100 words).  Use proper sentence structure and language.  While you will not be graded on accuracy the goal of this assignment is to share with your peers real-world application of knowledge you have learned from this course.

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