Read the Samsung case. Use facts from the case and apply relevant marketing concepts to critically analyze Samsung’s global brand image and compare it with that of Sony, Apple, or any other brand you think is Samsung’s major competitor.

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Read the Samsung case. Use facts from the case and apply relevant marketing concepts to critically analyze Samsung’s global brand image and compare it with that of Sony, Apple, or any other brand you think is Samsung’s major competitor.


  • You canuse your notes and the textbook to answer these questions
  • The questions refer to the Samsung case and 2 Samsung articles posted in this folder
  • When stating case/article-based facts, IF YOU USE EXACT WORDING FROM THE CASE OR ARTICLES, USE QUOTATION MARKS AND CITE THE SOURCE WITH A FOOTNOTE. Otherwise, this is plagiarism. It is best to paraphrase (use your own words).
  • Type your first and last name and ID at the top of the first page
  • To organize your responses use the QUESTION NUMBERS ONLYas headings (i.e., Question 1, Question 2, etc.) not the entire question text.
  • Formatting: 10 or 11- point Arial or Times new roman font, 1-inch margins, DOUBLE-SPACED
  • Proofread and use spelling/grammar checkprior to submitting your work. Any spelling/grammar error after the 5th one will result in a 2 point deduction per error.
  • Do NOT exceed the page limitation for each question
  • Do NOT plagiarize. If you use ideas/facts from another source (article, case, website, etc.), cite the source with a footnote and use quotation marks when you use someone else’s words.



1.(33%) Read the Samsung case. Use facts from the case and apply relevant marketing concepts to describe three crucial global competitive advantages Samsung achieved relative to Sony. Apply relevant, specific aspects from at least 2 of the following marketing concepts to analyze Samsung’s competitive advantages: marketing mix, segmentation, targeting, positioning, new product development, branding, and global marketing. (1/2 page- 3/4 page)

2.(34%) Read the Samsung case. Use facts from the case and apply relevant marketing concepts to critically analyze Samsung’s global brand image and compare it with that of Sony, Apple, or any other brand you think is Samsung’s major competitor. Apply relevant, specific aspects from at least 2 of the following marketing concepts to analyze and compare the Samsung brand with its competition: marketing mix, segmentation, targeting, positioning, new product development, branding, and global marketing. (1/2 page- 3/4 page)

  1. (34%) Read the Samsung U.S. and Samsung Europe articles. Use facts from the articles to compare and contrast Samsung’sglobal marketing strategy differences in the U.S. versus European markets. Focus on at least two of the following: promotion, pricing, product, or distribution strategies. (1/2 page- 3/4 page)

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