Protocol for Diagnosis, Management, and Follow-Up

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August 4, 2017
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August 4, 2017
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Protocol for Diagnosis, Management, and Follow-Up


As pediatric patients grow from infancy to adolescence, there are many common body system disorders that may potentially present. As an advanced practice nurse caring for these patients, you must understand the pathophysiology and epidemiology of these disorders as this will help you to recognize symptoms and select appropriate assessment and treatment options. In this Assignment, you prepare for your role in clinical settings as you design a protocol for the diagnosis, management, and follow-up care for a common body system disorder.

To prepare:

€¢ Reflect on the body system disorder that you selected (TESTICULAR TORSION).

€¢ Think about the pathophysiology and epidemiology of the disorder.

€¢ Consider a protocol for the diagnosis, management, and follow-up care of the disorder you selected.

€¢ Think about how culture might impact the care of patients who present with this disorder.

To complete:

Write a paper that addresses the following:


€¢ Explain the disorder you selected (TESTICULAR TORSION), including its pathophysiology and epidemiology.

€¢ Explain a protocol for the diagnosis, management, and follow-up care of this disorder.

€¢ Explain how culture might impact the care of patients who present with the disorder you selected.




€¢ Burns, C. E., Dunn, A. M., Brady, M. A., Starr, N. B., & Blosser, C. G. (2013). Pediatric primary care(5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.

€¢ Chapter 30, Cardiovascular Disorders (pp. 669€“707)


This chapter reviews normal cardiac structure and function in infants, toddlers, school-age children, and adolescents. It then covers assessment and management strategies for cardiovascular disorders including congenital and acquired heart diseases.

o Chapter 31, Respiratory Disorders (pp. 708€“738)


This chapter covers the anatomy and physiology of the upper and lower respiratory tracts. It then explores assessment and management strategies for respiratory disorders including upper respiratory tract disorders, extrathoracic and intrathoracic airway disorders, and pectus deformity.

o Chapter 40, Genetic Disorders (pp. 1032€“1054)


This chapter explores the scope of genetic screening, genetic variation, and genetic disorders. It also provides assessment and management strategies for health care providers caring for children and families with genetic disorders.

€¢ American Academy of Pediatrics, Subcommittee on Diagnosis and Management of Bronchiolitis. (2006). Diagnosis and management of bronchiolitis. Pediatrics, 118(4), 1774€“1793. Retrieved from


This article examines the diagnosis, management, and prevention of bronchiolitis. It also examines treatment options appropriate for children and provides recommendations for minimalizing the spread of infection.

€¢ Bradley, J. S., Byington, C. L., Shah, S. S., Alverson, B., Carter, E. R., Harrison, C., . . . Swanson, J. T. (2011). The management of community-acquired pneumonia in infants and children older than 3 months of age: Clinical practice guidelines by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 53(7), e25€“e76. Retrieved from


This article examines diagnosis, management, and treatment strategies for infants and children with community-acquired pneumonia. It also presents site-of-care management decisions and prevention strategies.

€¢ National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2007). Expert panel report 3 (EPR3): Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma. Retrieved from


These reports provided by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute present guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma in children from infancy through adolescence. The pathophysiology of asthma, measures of assessment and monitoring, control of environmental factors, and medication are also covered.

€¢ Zorc, J. J., & Hall, C. B. (2010). Bronchiolitis: Recent evidence on diagnosis and management.Pediatrics, 125(2), 342€“349. Retrieved from


This article reviews the pathophysiology and epidemiology of bronchiolitis. It also examines the efficacy of treatment options used to treat bronchiolitis.


€¢ Burns, C. E., Dunn, A. M., Brady, M. A., Starr, N. B., & Blosser, C. G. (2013). Pediatric primary care(5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.

o Chapter 21, Introduction to Disease Management (pp. 398€“414)


This chapter explores components of care for children with acute and chronic diseases and provides assessment and management strategies for health care providers and parents caring for children.

o Chapter 36, Dermatologic Disorders (pp. 877€“927)


This chapter describes basic components of skin, including its structure and function. It then identifies strategies for assessing, diagnosing, and managing skin disorders in children.

€¢ DermNet New Zealand Trust. (2014). DermNet NZ. Retrieved from

€¢ (2011). Dermnet Skin Disease Atlas. Retrieved from




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