Project Management Without a Project Managing Blue Sky research.

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Project Management Without a Project Managing Blue Sky research.

Project Management Without a Project €“ Managing Blue Sky research.


Not all Research and Development has an end product. Imagine, for example,
scientists doing research into tropical plants for possible use in new drugs. Another
example might be the investigation of the properties new materials. The end product
of this type research is not clear at the outset, and in fact there maybe no product
resulting from the research effort at all. Such effort is sometimes termed Blue Sky
Research meaning that the end outcome is not clear at the outset.
Such projects are notoriously difficult to manage because traditional Project
Management techniques are goal orientated €“ they are proceeding towards a well
defined end point.
Write an essay on the management of Blue Sky research. The essay should include
a referenced literature search, using the Web, Libraries or both and also your own
ideas about the management of this type of research.

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