Portfolio construction and optimisation

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Portfolio construction and optimisation

Part A

You are required to select 10 stocks from FTSE100 constituent companies to construct an optimal portfolio :

1.    Construct two efficient portfolios, with
a.    Short sales allowed
b.    Short sales not allowed
c.    Short sales not allowed and the maximum weight of any individual stock in the portfolio is restricted to 25%

2.    Solve for and plot the efficient frontier

3.    Solve for the optimal portfolio, its return and risk, and the weights of the 10 stocks (some can be zero) in the portfolio;plot the Capital Market Line

Part B

You are required to support your selection of stocks with the learned theories. In particular:

1.    Discuss how you may incorporate and apply various equity portfolio management strategies with regard to the above exercise.

2.    Discuss how you may apply industry analysis and security analysis to your portfolio construction and active managemen


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