pitch letter

Professional Practice essay
August 4, 2017
Learning and Communicating Online
August 4, 2017
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pitch letter

pitch letter


You have been retained as public relations counsel by Astronomical Events International. Your primary task for the semester is to manage public relations surrounding a major fundraising concert, which will be staged in the city you chose in Worksheet 6 and benefit the charity you chose in Worksheet 7.

Your task for Writing Project 4 is to draft a pitch letter to encourage a REAL reporter to do an advance story about the fundraising concert. This reporter must work for a REAL media outlet based in or near the city you selected in Worksheet 6. Identify a REAL reporter who works for a REAL media outlet, then compose a pitch letter following the four-part format described in your textbook and in class. Use the media outlet’s REAL street address on your letter.

Your letter should provide a captivating hook and describe a potential story angle. Your letter should be no longer than one page and follow the general requirements for a business letter. The letter should come from the mayor of your city, and must be properly addressed to the reporter you chose, using that reporter’s real street address.

In crafting your pitch letter, be sure to pick a REAL reporter who works for a REAL media outlet to address your letter to.

This assignment includes fictional information.

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