Periodic, Fundraising and Continuous disclosure obligations for Directors in a publicly listed company
Outline the main Periodic, Fundraising and Continuous disclosure obligations for Directors in a publicly listed company
Assessment item 2: Research Assignment
Objective(s): Link to Objectives:
Using knowledge to report on corporate legal issues
Link to Graduate Attributes:
Legal Research and
Technological Literacy,
Spoken and Written
Weight: 30%
Due: Please submit to your lecturer/tutor in your first designated class in the first week back after the
mid semester break.
Length: 2,200 words
Task: This written asignment is worth 30% of the subject marks.
Outline the main Periodic, Fundraising and Continuous disclosure obligations for Directors in a
publicly listed company.
Discuss the ramifications for Directors of the 2 recent cases ASIC v Healey [2001] FCA 717 and
ASIC v Fortescue Metals Group Ltd [2011] FCAFC 19.