The years ahead will be radically different from those past. We and our organizations must be prepared not only to change, but to change continuously and in the face of ever present uncertainties. Reference: Schermerhorn et al., 2011, Management, John Wiley & Sons, Australia
Assessment Task:
Students are expected to discuss the following:
Change drivers of the 21st century (macro issues): the economic and political climate; the environment; competition; international trade and globalisation.
Change drivers of the 21st century (micro issues): stimulating continuous innovation in the company; organizational change; implementation and the managing of change.
Consider how organizations will deal with these changes; determine what the issues are; possible solutions and alternatives; analytical approaches (SWOT/Porters Five Forces Model; BCG Matrix) and other tools.
Chapter 9 of your textbook can serve as a guide.
You will be expected to conduct research using peer-reviewed articles (5 as minimum), plus other material on innovation and organizational change.
Please ensure you include examples in your narratives.
Refer to the MGMT11109 LibGuide for guidance in completing this assessment.
Harvard referencing must be used for this assessment item.
Text book:
Schermerhorn J, Davidson P, Poole D, Simon A, Woods, P & Chau So Ling (2011). Management 4th ASIA-PACIFIC EDITION (4th). Milton, Qld, Australia: Wiley. ISBN: 978 1 742 16472 4