Nutrition and Stress

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Nutrition and Stress


The purpose of this assignment is to:

1. Demonstrate a comprehension of the rhetorical principles that underlie form, content, context.
2. Express and advocate ideas clearly and effectively in written form.
3. Demonstrate the skills to distinguish propositions and statements of fact from issues of judgment or opinion in research material.
4. Evaluate, critique, and analyze the quality and sufficiency of evidence and other forms of support for a position, including the validity of arguments in opposition in research journals and

other material.

1. Complete a 6-page (content) paper (Don’t count the reference page or title page) on one of the following topics (see sign-up). It must be typed and double-spaced (including reference page) in

APA format.

This paper will contain all the following sections:

A. Title page (see example at the end of this syllabus) and reference page
B. Introduction with stated purpose (about 1 paragraph)
C. Body of paper to cover all relevant content to support the stated purpose (about 3-4 pages)
D. A personal story or brief vignette related to the stated purpose (about 1 page)
E. A conclusion that summarizes the paper (about 1 paragraph)
F. Reference page

2. You may choose to write about one of the following topic areas

1). Nutrition and stress
2). Spirituality and stress
3). Humor and stress
4). Exercise and stress
5). Time management and stress
6). Communication skills and stress
7). Meditation and stress
8). Pets and stress management
9). Culture and stress
10). Stress and illness (focus on 1 illness)
11) Complementary and Alternative Medicine (focus on 3 modalities)

5. References:

At least 5 peer reviewed (within the last 5 years) sources should be cited using APA format.
Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition)

The following journals are recommended, although many others would be appropriate
American Journal of Public Health
International Journal of Stress Management
Health Education
American Journal of Health Promotion
Journal of Health Psychology
Behavioral Medicine
Psychosomatic Medicine
Health Education Quarterly
Also, your text and any of the sources cited in your text within the last 5 years

6. Your grade will be based on the following criteria:

A. Use of correct grammar, spelling, quality of writing, and correct APA format.

B. Completing all sections, i.e.: references of quality, purpose, research evidence, personal information, and conclusions.

C. Effort you made to understand, analyze, and synthesize the research results, as evidenced by the clarity of your report.
Note: Although it is not necessary to adhere to all of the format requirements of APA guidelines for this class, the following will be required and are consistent with APA format. You may access

the following website to assist you in APA format if you wish €“ there is a sample APA paper for your review. It is the student’s responsibility to use the correct format for APA.

1. In text reference must match reference page.

2. All paragraphs must be indented €“ no skipped lines in APA.

3. Whole paper must be 12 point print, Times Roman, line spacing is 2.0 €“ no exceptions, including reference page.

4. Do not use slang or contractions in formal writing.

5. Page numbers begin on title page and are in upper right hand margin €“ running head not required.

6. Margins are 1 inch on all four sides.

7. Only peer reviewed research. Do not use websites unless suggested by your text €“ use CSUF library peer reviewed choice for searches. NO Wikipedia. NO encyclopedias.

8. Alphabetize by author on reference page.

9. Reference must be within past 3-5 years to be current in science classes.

10. Reference by author name and date, not journal, for in text reference, e.g. (Lee, 2012) .

11. Write in third person (except for personal story €“ is okay to use first person).

12. Cannot copy large portions of text from an author €“ see APA guidelines (1-2 sentences okay). All quotes must have in text referencing to match the reference page. Page numbers must be

given with quotes.

13. Quotes and statistics must have page numbers included with in text referencing (Lee, 2011, p. 102.).

14. In text reference must match reference page, thus a citation on the reference page must also have at least one in text reference in the body of the paper to validate your use of the


Reference: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2009). 6th Ed

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