Melville: Explain the subtitle of “Bartleby the Scrivener”: “A Story of Wall Street”? What does Melville imply about the business world? Would those sentiments still be relevant today?

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Melville: Explain the subtitle of “Bartleby the Scrivener”: “A Story of Wall Street”? What does Melville imply about the business world? Would those sentiments still be relevant today?

Short essay 200 words both part with reference in MLA

Part 1

Melville: Explain the subtitle of “Bartleby the Scrivener”: “A Story of Wall Street”? What does Melville imply about the business world? Would those sentiments still be relevant today? Could the story be written today with a modern-day Bartleby, and what might he be like?

Part 2: Among many of the foundational themes of the poetry of the Fireside Poets were living a just life, commemorating history, embracing family and community, and celebrating nature. Consider the poetry of Henry Wadworth Longfellow and Oliver Wendell Holmes and discuss how these themes are represented in both. Please quote and cite from the poetry to support your assertions. You might consider using outside research from the open internet to help you gather ideas. If you do, please cite the source and provide a link for your classmates to follow.

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