Marketing Social Behavioral Change of sugery drinks

August 4, 2017
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Marketing Social Behavioral Change of sugery drinks

Marketing Social Behavioral Change of sugery drinks

Project description this link for campaign

1. SUGAR ? Obesity is becoming an epidemic in the UAE. One of the major causes of obesity is sugar

consumed in drinks (such as softdrinks, juices, and fruit drinks). Your objective is to change your target

market’s attitude towards sugar drinks and in doing so modify their behavior.

For this section you are reviewing and analysing the past and current marketing materials that relate

to your FBC. You need to find one campaign related to your behavior from anywhere in the world

(preference being the Gulf Region). In this section the objective is to understand what has been done so

that you can do better…or at least something different.
You should include representative images or materials within the text, and the rest as appendices.

Analyse the materials in terms of the following class concepts:
a) Briefly explain what you perceive to be the objective of the promotional material e.g., raising

awareness, changing behaviors, adding knowledge etc.
b) Examine the campaigns images and text and discuss the meaning they convey. How effective

(successful) is each in using this technique in your opinion?
c) What components of attitudes are the materials trying to influence (see chapter 7) and how are they

trying to change attitudes (pg. 288).
d) What types of appeals (e.g. fear, humour) are being used in the materials (see pages 302 to 304)?
As always, you must support your statements i.e. wherever possible show direct links between the

ads/materials and your assertions. E.g. if you believe a particular ad is using a fear appeal, explain why

that is the case. Critique the ad’s effectiveness based on your interviews, knowledge of the issue, and

other factors. Parts b, c, and d of this section are a great place to bring in journal articles and

information from outside sources. For instance you may find an article about the effectiveness of fear

appeals, which you could integrate. I fully expect an appropriate amount of scholarly research (i.e.

journal articles) to appear in this section.
The conclusion of this section should outline the general trends that you have observed in the

advertising within your competitive space.

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