Locations and Forms of Power
During some weeks, we studied in class documents concerning a theme, and especially about :
– the power of men over women
– the place of the women in the society
– the dictatorship
– the importance of the money
These themes deals with an unique notion : Locations and Forms of Power.
The goal of the work is to write a text (about 600/650 words) that deals about this notion globally and so the themes studied in class. If you don’t catch up the meaning of the work, let me give you a line to follow (it’s just an advise) :
– Definition of the notion. What does «Locations and Forms of Power» refer to you ?
– Who has power ? What are the different forms of power ? Over whom
– How is power exerted ? : socially, politically, in the economy
– What are the consequences ?
– Presentation of the themes.
– Problematic : We can ask ourselves What are the forms of power and where does it take place ?
– 1st part : you can deal about the forms of power globally : the power of the State over the citizens : spying, dictatorship, etc
– as a transition with the 2nd part : but there are uprising of the society in this kind of politic regime.
– 2nd part : the forms of power in the society itself : the power of men over women, the place of the women through the centuries
– Transition : ¦ Between the individuals themselves, we can say that money has power over all.
– 3nd part : the place of the money in our society.
During the development, don’t forget to give your own opinion :
– we must change the relation with the money in our capitalist society because money leads all the relations ¦
– the discrimination of women, despite the fact we’re in a modern society (Declaration of Human Rights : We’re all equal in right) is still present.
– for a job, some corporates will prefer to recruit a men as an example.
– difference in the salary
– Not very women have power in the society. CEO of a big corporate ? Not much ¦