List the three common side effects of inhaled steroids

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List the three common side effects of inhaled steroids

A 34 year old HIV positive male presented to the ER in acute respiratory distress. He is a smoker. His last CD4 count was 192 cells/mm^3. The patient was cyanotic and tachypenic. Initial laboratory work up was ordered along with a sputum culture and an arterial blood gas (ABG). The patient was placed on isolation, started on oxygen via face mask, intravenous fluid, and two broad spectrum antimicrobials while awaiting the result of the sputum culture.

What is the most likely acid- base disturbance associated with this patient and what is the compensatory mechanism?

The patient was discharged from the hospital 10 days later. As the discharging nurse, list three medical issues you would advise this patient to attend to. List the issues in the order of importance: from most to least.

List the three common side effects of inhaled steroids.

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