Legal and Ethical Issues
Project description
The definition of a multiple relationship encompasses any type of additional relationship with a client or a third party that may influence the human services practitioner’s professional role with the client. You are charged with the responsibility of effectively managing and controlling professional boundaries while not misusing your power within the client/human services practitioner relationship.
Management of ethical relationships with clients that avoid any inference of an unethical multiplicity of roles is imperative. The Case of Pete, beginning on p. 280, illustrates how easily professional boundaries may become crossed. Review this case and discuss the following:
What is your evaluation of what occurred in Pete’s case? What risks are involved in such behavior on the part of the human services practitioner? Would you ever consider such behavior with a client? What other options might the human services practitioner have considered in order to reach the same outcome? Do you think the ethics codes are adequate in discussing boundary issues, multiple relationships, and social relationships with clients? What type of training and/or education may be needed to increase professional competence and understanding of managing the therapeutic relationship?
Read chapeter 7 and 8
Textbook Information
Title: Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions, 8th ed.
Author: Corey/Corey/Callanan
ISBN: 0495812412