From your analysis of border security, identify what you see as the top three issues regarding border security, your rationale for that determination and your assessment of the agency that should have primary responsibility to address that issue and why that agency should be the lead.
August 4, 2017
Training Standard Operating Procedure/Guideline (SOP/SOG)
August 4, 2017
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You are required to conduct an interview with a manager in your work organization (could be the university) or another organization, who has experience of leading and managing change. The results of the interview are to be   incorporated in a written report of 1800 words, excluding cover page, contents, references and appendices.
The report is to comprise three main components:
1.    Change leader roles
•     Description of the change context(s)
•     Description and analysis of change leadership roles undertaken
2.    Change leader effectiveness?
•     Analysis of competencies demonstrated by the change leader
•     Assessment of change leader effectiveness
3.   Lessons learned from the interview
•    What you have learned from the interview
•    How you might apply the lessons learned in the context of your academic studies or work context

Marking criteria
•     Analysis of the change context(s) and change leader leader’s role(s) in each case (10%)
•     Critical analysis of change leader competencies and effectiveness (10%)
•     Demonstrated ability to synthesise what you have learned from the interview and identify how you might apply the learnings in an academic and /or work context (10%)
•    Report presentation (clarity, internal flow, referencing) (5%)
•    Reports  should demonstrate an ability to apply  relevant course concepts , theories and frameworks
•    Reports must include brief details of the interviewee ( name , organizational title),  date and location of interview  and a copy of the questions used in the interview (as an Appendix)

When you have drafted your questions you must send them to me and my lecturer will comment. If the lecturer satisfied with Case study assignment

Read the case study involving Patton available under the Doc Sharing Tab.

Imagine yourself as a consultant to Patton and the department; using material covered in the class thus far, design your intervention in a 2-3 page paper. In other words, what would you tell Patton and what would you tell the department in order to provide leadership to the organization. There are many issues in the case however make sure to focus on the leadership concepts. This assignment is designed to provide you the opportunity to apply the material from the course; the ideas, concepts, frameworks–rather than simply recall it.

Follow APA format. I will post a writing rubric in doc sharing that may be helpful to those that are struggling with the requirements of APA.

This paper is due Sunday, August 29nd by midnight. 20 points possible. Please email if you have any questions or post in the instructor’s office.

Following is information that may be helpful to you in your writing.
“A” Level Work – Evaluative Writing
Critical writing requires that the learner make judgments about what s/he has researched and reflected upon. Judging involves presenting your opinion, supporting your argument (often with data and facts), and identifying your reasons for your judgment. In evaluating ideas you need to measure their influence and impact, check their validity, and verify their effectiveness.

Your conclusions need to be good enough to change people’s minds, to convince them to make your ideas their own belief, to lead them to sharing their thoughts with others.

“B” Level Work – Analytical Writing
Beyond describing the ideas of others is the need to analyze what has been presented and written. Learners need to break down ideas into specific components, compare one point to another, and distinguish these ideas from those of other authors. Analysis can include identifying the advantages and disadvantages of particular ideas, classifying ideas according to some framework or system, ordering ideas in some sense of importance and value, assessing the evidence for these ideas, and drawing specific conclusions relative to these ideas. In this analysis process, it is beneficial to use anecdotes, examples, and illustrations in presenting your ideas. You also need to be able to tell your readers something they don’t already know or can learn from reading other authors’ writings.
“C” Level Work – Descriptive Writing
Good writing requires researching your topic to discover what others have said or written relevant to your subject. To put your ideas in perspective, it is important to reflect on what is already known about the subject. Learners need to identify specific ideas presented by other authors, and clearly give credit to these individuals when describing what they have written. Authors need to be referenced both in the text of your writing and at the end of your report, as well as in your presentation.

Beyond quoting an author’s ideas, learners also need to describe these ideas in their personal experiences and stories in presenting your ideas your own words and explain them in clearer and more relevant terms, especially as they apply to a particular situation or experience
Suggestions for Good Writing:
1. Be responsive to the assignment: you need to cover the topics specified in the description of the paper.
2. Use ideas and concepts (from readings, class discussions, etc.) to develop, support or refine your position.
3. Develop linkages between concepts and specific events or issues in your case.
4. Be well-organized (with a clear story-line), and clearly and persuasively written.

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