Intensive Search

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Intensive Search

Intensive Search

First choose three of the sources above and find information about how the No Child Left behind Act may have affected social studies achievement test scores.
List three of your sources in the following table, along with a brief statement of their claims and reasons.
URL of source What effect did they claim? Why did they claim this effect was happening?
summarize your findings. From what you can glean from these multiple sources, create a single coherent statement: what has been the effect of the NCLBA on social studies achievement test scores, and why has this been happening?
Second, answer this question:

Note: Please tell me:
• The URL(s) where you found the answer(s)
• The answer(s)

1. How is the date of Easter for a given year calculated (when you know only the year)? How is the date of Passover calculated? When will Easter and Passover occur in the year 2461? [Note: as part of the answer I’m seeking the actual calculations which must be performed; something like “the Sunday after the vernal equinox” is woefully insufficient. If you come up with something that requires referring to a reference table or using an online calculator, you haven’t gone far enough… you’re looking for calculations that could be done with nothing more than pencil and paper, without reference materials, in an emergency.)

*Procedure for Easter calculation: (likely to be long and convoluted):
*Procedure for Passover calculation: (likely also to be long and convoluted – and, NO, one cannot calculate Passover directly from Easter):
*Date of Easter in 2461 _______
*Date of Passover in 2461 ______

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