intellectual property attorney

August 4, 2017
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August 4, 2017
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intellectual property attorney

intellectual property attorney

Investigate and write the first half of your research paper on your previously approved topic: an entry-level position in a specific career you want to pursue after college. Whichever particular entry-level job you choose to research and write about, your choice must be realistic. For instance, a career as a physical therapist, pediatrician, or family law attorney is realistic; however, movie star, guitar hero, starting your own high technology firm (with no experience), or CEO of a major company is not realistic. Some successful choices for past research papers include:
€¢ probation officer
€¢ dietician
€¢ intellectual property attorney
€¢ App UI designer
€¢ technical writer
€¢ mechanical engineer
€¢ high school PE instructor
€¢ nurse
€¢ specific medical professional €¢ pharmacist
Discuss the following subjects in the first half of the research paper (include in this order, with each as a separate section):
€¢ Introduction: what the job is. Start wide and narrow to focus your audience’s attention to what you will write about, which is described in your research statement.
€¢ The day-by-day activities of the job, meaning a snapshot of what people having this job do.
€¢ What the career offers society; how the job affects the rest of us.
€¢ Why people may be interested in this career.
€¢ Required education and degrees.
€¢ Continuing education requirement(s), if any.
€¢ Required licenses, and by what governmental or professional organization.
€¢ Legal requirements, such as credentials, fingerprinting or criminal background check
€¢ Conclusion
All of the above areas of discussion requires some thought and research €” perhaps including your interviewing someone employed in such a position €” as well as both careful documentation of your sources and logical presentation of the facts.

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