In the paper “The Gold Standard and the Great Depression” by Temin and Eichengreen (on blackboard) the authors argue that the gold standard mentality contributed to the severity of the great depression. Explain their argument. What do they mean by the mentality of the gold standard?

Elephant Man
August 4, 2017
August 4, 2017
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In the paper “The Gold Standard and the Great Depression” by Temin and Eichengreen (on blackboard) the authors argue that the gold standard mentality contributed to the severity of the great depression. Explain their argument. What do they mean by the mentality of the gold standard?

In the paper “The Gold Standard and the Great Depression” by Temin and Eichengreen (on blackboard) the authors argue that the gold standard mentality contributed to the severity of the great depression. Explain their argument. What do they mean by the mentality of the gold standard?
Your answers should be around 700 words
please DO NOT USE any outside reading

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