Imagine that you work for a midsized organization as a project manager. Propose the manner in which you would utilize the twelve (12) principles described in the textbook to solve two (2) common workplace conflicts.

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Imagine that you work for a midsized organization as a project manager. Propose the manner in which you would utilize the twelve (12) principles described in the textbook to solve two (2) common workplace conflicts.


Instructions: Do not combine topics.  Answer each letter separately.  All answers must be at least five (5) sentences.  Label each answer individually. Include any references.



  • “Solving Problems as an Agile Coach” Please respond to the following:


  • A) Imagine that you work for a midsized organization as a project manager. Propose the manner in which you would utilize the twelve (12) principles described in the textbook to solve two (2) common workplace conflicts. Justify your response.


  • B)


2) Factors” Please respond to the following:


  • A) Identify three factors to consider in determining the competitive value of information technology. Justify the selected factors.


  • B) Of the factors selected, determine if each factor is applicable to all businesses and industries, and explain why or why not.


  • “Social Media” Please respond to the following:


  • A) Analyze how social media provides a competitive advantage for an organization’s Web strategy, given that many companies have started hiring personnel to handle Facebook and Twitter posts. Explain why a robust Web presence matters to company executives.


  • B) Imagine that you are the CIO of a well-established company. State three compelling reasons why your company should utilize social media to attain a competitive advantage and explain your answer.





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