If you were Joan Collins of Baptist Hospital, in the Nikomo, Fottler, & McAfee: Case Reading: Domestic Partner Benefits, would you bring the issue described before the CEO and the board of directors and recommend implementation?

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If you were Joan Collins of Baptist Hospital, in the Nikomo, Fottler, & McAfee: Case Reading: Domestic Partner Benefits, would you bring the issue described before the CEO and the board of directors and recommend implementation?

Case Study Forum Instructions

Instructions: Your threads must be at least 500 words. Each post must include proper spelling and grammar.

All responses (thread and replies) must address the major points of the question posed and be supported by:

Reading & Study Materials (2 citations in current APA format required).
Integration of 1 or more biblical principles.
Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples.
Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, comparing/contrasting concepts).
Clarity must be brought to issues being discussed and each reply must relate issues to 1 or more biblical principle and experience.
Case Study Forum 3: Module/Week 7
Topic: If you were Joan Collins of Baptist Hospital, in the Nikomo, Fottler, & McAfee: Case Reading: Domestic Partner Benefits, would you bring the issue described before the CEO and the board of directors and recommend implementation? Why or why not? Explain and discuss your answer.

Book: Nkomo, S., Fottler, M., & McAfee, R. (2011). Human resource management applications: Cases, exercises, incidents and skill builders (7th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Publishing Co.

Make sure ALL in text citations from the book include the page number!

Attached. No cover page, No header.

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