Identify the main assumptions or taken-for-granted perspectives underlying that concept (e.g., What are the unstated ideas underlying the author’s thinking?).

Examine the response of the left eye.
August 4, 2017
What struck you in particular as you explored the course materials this week?
August 4, 2017
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Identify the main assumptions or taken-for-granted perspectives underlying that concept (e.g., What are the unstated ideas underlying the author’s thinking?).

Three reflection papers (1 per chapter):

– At least a three-quarters page (single-spaced) summary of/reflection upon one concept from the weekly reading:

– Identify and summarize the concept.

– Identify the main assumptions or taken-for-granted perspectives underlying that concept (e.g., What are the unstated ideas underlying the author’s thinking?).

– Discuss the implications/consequences of this concept (i.e., What are the implications if we take this line of reasoning seriously? What are the consequences if people ignore the author’s reasoning?).

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