How are communication technologies altering the human social experience?

August 4, 2017
Compare and contrast Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC Models).
August 4, 2017
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How are communication technologies altering the human social experience?

Answer these question fully. 150- 200 words for each question. Don’t have to refer to any source.


  1. How are communication technologies altering the human social experience? How might your children be different from you because of the communication technologies which will likely be present when they grow up? How might it change how they develop their sense of friendship and love? How do you feel about this? Now that you are aware of some of the future potentials which evolving communication technologies hold, what might you do differently when you become a parent, assuming that you ultimately do raise children.
  2. How has the use of communication technologies affected who you are: How you think, how you feel about those around you, how you view the world, how you live each hour of your life? How are you different from your parents and grandparents due to the effects of communication technology usage. Are you comfortable with how you answered that question; why or why not? Please refer to the concern voiced in the book Nicholas Carr’s The Shallows, as well as Sherry Turkle’s Alone Together in answering this, at least in parts
  3. [ I chose Virtual Reality] We have discussed a wide array of communication technologies throughout the term. Which ones excite you and leave you with optimistic about what they might offer you, now and in the future? What is it about them which makes you say so? What makes this technology stand out above some of the others which we have discussed with regards to their positive potential for our daily lives?


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