Homework 1-

In Battle Royal (Ellison: Battle Royal) there is a young man who makes several decisions based on events in his life.
August 4, 2017
General Repetition
August 4, 2017
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Homework 1-

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Paper instructions:
Homework 1-
Possible Research Topics €“ a Paragraph.
Share research topics you are considering and explain why you are interested in them. Remember we are limited to nature, the environment, and agriculture for topics. If you are considering multiple topics, describe what they are and why you might or might not select them. Also, explain any preliminary research you have done to develop topic ideas.

By the way, it is fine if more than one student wishes to use the same topic. You may even consider sharing some research tips concerning the topic.
The deadline is Saturday night 7/26/2014

Homework 2-Outline for Essay 4 €“ Availability Ends

Your informal outline for Essay 4. Your outline should contain:

A working thesis (directly from the Problem Statement€“you may revise it if needed.)
Your main points and support in the order you plan to present them.
A Works Cited page listing three sources you will use.
The point of the outline is to help you review your sources and begin building your rough draft. At the end of this assignment, the instructor (but more importantly YOU) should have a clear idea of how you intend to structure your rough draft.

Both informal and formal outlines are discussed on pages 21-25 of the Bedford Handbook. You may use either form at this point.

The deadline is Saturday night 7/26/2014

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