History of Modern/Postmodern Art

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History of Modern/Postmodern Art

History of Modern/Postmodern Art

Summer 2014: Paper #1
(1)    Choose one Impressionist painting from the Metropolitan Museum collection
(2)    Choose one Post-Impressionist painting from the Metropolitan Museum collection with a subject similar to #1 (landscape, still-life, portrait, genre)
(3)    Identify and describe each painting in detail (form)
(4)    Compare and contrast the form and content of the two paintings
(5)    Discuss what makes one Impressionist and the other Post-Impressionist.
(6)    Length: 2 pages.
(7)    Due June 2. Late papers downgraded.
(8)    Museum ticket required.
3    2    1    0
Chose Impressionist painting from Metropolitan collection            Painting is not Impressionist
Chose Post-Impressionist painting from Metropolitan collection with subject similar to #1            Painting is not Post-Impressionist, or has dissimilar subject
Each painting is clearly, completely and accurately described in detail (form)    Each painting is not completely or not accurately described in detail    Each painting is not completely and not accurately described in detail    Paintings are not described
Paintings’ form and content are clearly, completely and accurately compared and contrasted     Paintings’ form and content are not completely or not accurately compared and contrasted    Paintings’ form and content are not completely and not accurately compared and contrasted     Paintings’ form and content are not compared and contrasted
Discussion of what makes one Impressionist and the other Post-Impressionist is clear, complete, and accurate    Discussion of what makes one Impressionist and the other Post-Impressionist is not clear or not complete or not accurate    Discussion of what makes one Impressionist and the other Post-Impressionist is not clear and not complete and/or not accurate    No discussion of what makes one Impressionist and the other Post-Impressionist
Length is at least 2 pages, with standard font and margins            Length is too short, or font and margins are not standard
Museum ticket is submitted with paper            Museum ticket is not submitted with paper

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