Guaiacol concentrationg of the enzyme reaction

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Guaiacol concentrationg of the enzyme reaction

Question: Determine the final guaiacol concentrationg (answers in units of guaiacol) of the following enzyme reaction solutions listed in the table below. Keep in mind that each reaction solution has a total volume of 2000 microliters.

Tube 0.05M Buffer 20mM Hydrogen Peroxide 80 mM Guaiacol 0.5 units/ml Peroxidase Total Volume
Tube 1 1000microliters 400 microliters 350 microliters 250 microliters 2000 ul
Tube 2 800microliters 400 microliters 550 microliters 250 microliters 2000 ul
Tube 3 600microliters 400 microliters 750 microliters 250 microliters 2000 ul



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