God’s plan for worship from Genesis through Revelation
Paper instructions:
You will write a 1215-page paper tracing God’s plan for worship from Genesis through Revelation. It will be titled The Story of Worship and will employ class notes, materials suggested or recommended in class, recordings or any other materials on Internet websites, and church or denominational publications and resource materials. It will be composed in Turabian format and must include footnotes and a bibliography with 1012 scholarly sources. This assignment is in substitute of a final exam
Student ID #
You will write a 1215-page paper tracing God’s plan for worship from Genesis through Revelation. Use class notes, materials suggested or recommended in class, recordings, or any other materials on the internet websites, church or denominational publications, and resource materials. DO NOT SEEK HELP from any other student. Make sure to document all material and make special note of any materials that are not original with you. THIS RESEARCH PAPER IS DUE BY 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of our final module/week. The Research Paper must be in Turabian Writing Format. The finished document should be submitted via the Research Paper link in Blackboard for grading.
Background to Consider
Over this last term, we have traced God’s plan for worship through the Bible. In Chapters 1 and 2 of our text, Called to Worship, we were witnesses of God’s first revelation: His desire for relationship with man, which would be achieved through worship. In the book of Genesis, God revealed Himself to us as the Creator of a perfect universeand perfect humankind, with whom he chose to dwell. We further studied in Genesis the three great worship wars and observed the outcome of those conflicts upon all humanity. Sin. Disgrace. Death. Yet even so, God still seeks to dwell with man. And in Chapters 46 of our text, He made that desire known by revealing Himself to the patriarchs Abraham and Moses.
The books of history, further taught us about man’s response to God. Later, we focused on worship as defined by three successive kings. One wanted to worship above the law. One chose to worship as a servant. And one, even if for a few years, was a most sincere worshipper. But from the lives of all three, valuable lessons in worship are there for the mining.
The books of Poetry and Wisdom, taught us about building relationship with God through songand integrity. The Prophets gave counsel for overcoming idolatry. We talked about the four hundred years of silence, with no official record of God’s voice moving in the hearts of men.
And in Module/Week 5, we witnessed the worship of fishermen, prostitutes, soldiersand the Son of God. Jesus Christ became the ultimate example of worship. He worshipped in the sanctuary; He worshipped by serving; He worshipped in songand He worshipped by submittingto death on a cross.
In Modules/Weeks 67, John, Peter, Silas, and Paul drew our attention to the worship of the early church, and again, we saw God revealedin the indwelling person of the Holy Spirit.
Finally, we beheld the culmination of the plan begun in Genesisin the book of Revelation. Lesson 8 unveiled both history past and the future to come. First, from history, then, as the Desire of the Ages, Jesus Christ, the exalted Bridegroom, joins His bride and dwells with His worshippers forever.
Scope and Subject: This study outlines God’s plan for worship from Genesis through Revelation. The study is divided into four areas: Old Testament Principles for Worship; Principles Learned about Worship from the Psalms; New Testament Principles for Worship; and Practical Application of Worship to daily living. A brief glossary of Biblical terms related to worship, entitled Words for Study, must be provided as well.
Source material for building your lessons must be taken from class notes, commentaries, text books, book reports, and of course, your Bible. These notes and materials may include, but are not limited to: lessons on worship presented in class (including guest teachers), notes posted on Blackboard, and Dr. Whaley’s book.
The Format should be designed as an outline with narrative. It should include Four sections. Section Four should also serve as a two-page Summary:
Title Page
Table of Contents
Brief Introduction (1 page)
Lesson One: Old Testament Principles for Worship
Lesson Two: Principles Learned about Worship from the Psalms. Include overarching theme of Psalms, organization, and subjects identified in the five sections (also called books).
Lesson Three: New Testament Principles for Worship
Lesson Four: Application of Worship to Daily Living
Appendix: Words for Study is a Glossary (2022 terms about worship, defined). Words used in the Defining Worship assignment can be used as a starting point for this section.
Caution: This paper must be practical for YOU to use in the futuresomething that you can quickly pick up and present to a group. It needs to be thorough so as to clearly present the Biblical scope of worship.
The project is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week 8.