globalization of one commodity

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globalization of one commodity

globalization of one commodity
Paper instructions:
Research and write a 4-page analysis of an important early phase (in most
cases, early 20th century or prior) in the globalization of one commodity (i.e.,
apples or air conditioners, bananas or bicycles, coffee or cement, etc.). Be sure to
demonstrate your understanding of our assigned readings from Nature’s
Metropolis and The Travels of a T-Shirt in your analysis (use these books as foils*
for your analysis). Your paper must cite at least three or more external readings
(academic books or articles€”not Wikipedia or internet sources). Suggested
external readings might include any of the chapters in Topik, Marichal, and Frank,
eds., From Silver to Cocaine: Latin American Commodity Chains and the
Building of the World Economy, 1500-2000 (on reserve in Knight Library). Your
paper must be double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1 margins.

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