Give thought to the Scripture: But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream! Amos 5:24

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Give thought to the Scripture: But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream! Amos 5:24

Repeated mistakes after corrections will be given heavier penalties, so learn from your mistakes.  In addition to chapters from the required texts, you are expected to research outside material related to the current topics.  Each research paper must have three (3) developed sources outside the textbooks.  Wikipedia, encyclopedia, advertisements, and blogs are NOT acceptable as sources in academic writings.  If Wikipedia is used the paper will not be accepted.

You will need to give thought to the Scripture at the top of the syllabus.  What meaning does this have to you personally and how does this verse influence your perspective of the criminal justice system.

150 points, DUE, ON THURSDAY, 2016 BY 6:00 PM.  MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 2 PAGES.

Format with the title page that is provided on the course Moodle page in the Course Resources section. All assignments must have a title page, abstract and reference page, with your textbook as one of your references.

All writing projects must follow the APA 6TH EDITION FORMAT.  If you have not purchased the APA Manuel, do so ASAP.  You cannot use the short cut method or downloading, or the small booklet.

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