gender/women politics
Paper instructions:
Complete answers will be approximately 4-5 paragraphs in length and use examples from more than one reading to develop and illustrate definitions and explanations.
YOU MUST CITE YOUR SOURCES. You need to draw on the texts to complete your answers, and when you are getting an idea from the text, you should provide the author’s name and the page number(s). You need citations both for direct quotes AND for ideas you are paraphrasing from the texts.
Exam 1 Questions
How and why does group consciousness in general, and gender consciousness in particular, develop? How is this related to identity politics and intersectionality? In your answer, be certain to explain what Mary Hawkesworth means by the politics of identity and how and why it leads to identity politics, using some of the examples she provides of this connection. (You may include as many authors as you like in your answer, but at a minimum you should discuss Conway, Steuernagel, and Ahern in addition to Hawkewsworth.)
Based on your reading of Henderson and Jeydel and Hawkesworth, what are different ways of defining and measuring gender equality? How do culture and ideology effect how we define equality? Include in your answer a discussion of the definition and significance of both practical and strategic gender needs.
Define and explain the significance of the concepts of political socialization and gender consciousness. (Be sure to include in your answer some discussion of the social clock and the relationship between choices and preferences.) What are some of the agents (forces) of political socialization?
Define and explain the significance of the concept gender power. (Be certain to include some discussion of its relationship to leadership norms, the double bind, political acculturation, and the role of the news media in constructing gender power.)