Fundamental social, political, cultural, and economic forces

Star Wars Episode IV: A new hope (1977 Film) and Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons or Watchmen by Zack Snyder (Film).
August 4, 2017
Dean, John Wiggins director, Library services and Quality Improvement, Danuta A, Nitecki Dean of Libraries
August 4, 2017
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Fundamental social, political, cultural, and economic forces

Fundamental social, political, cultural, and economic forces

In this course we have examined the fundamental social, political, cultural, and economic forces that shaped the development of the United States since the Civil War period and how these developments have positioned the United States as a dominant player on the international stage.

For your initial post, discuss the role of your final paper topic in shaping the development of the United States and share an excerpt from your paper. You may share this excerpt as a cut and paste or attach a copy of the entire paper if you wish.

In responding to your peers’ posts, discuss the core values and goals evidenced by these topics. How well do you believe the United States has achieved these goals either at home or abroad? Provide an example. 1 1
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HIS 114: Final Project Paper Rubric
The final project paper should follow these formatting guidelines: 4 to 5 pages, double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA or Turabian style format.
Critical Elements Distinguished Proficient Emerging Not Evident Value
Topic Analysis
Demonstrates the importance of the topic in shaping U.S. history, distinguishing between fact and opinion in key points

(27-30) Explains the importance of the topic in shaping U.S. history with mostly accurate distinctions between fact and opinion in key points
(24-26) Explains the importance of the topic in shaping U.S. history but with gaps related to accurate distinctions between fact and opinion in key points (21-23) Does not explains the importance of the topic in shaping U.S. history and/or offer distinctions between facts and opinions in key points
(0-20) 30
Integration of Sources Integrates citations at strategic points in paper to demonstrate direct relationship of all sources to topic

(23-25) Integrates sources at strategic points in paper to demonstrate relationship of all sources to topic
(20-22) Integrates sources in paper but requires more purposeful integration to clearly demonstrate relationship of some sources to topic
(18-19) Requires additional organization and explanation to demonstrate relationship of most sources to topic

(0-17) 25
Analysis of Sources Accurately differentiates between primary and secondary source documents and offers logical interpretation of each with specific details
(18-20) Accurately differentiates between primary and secondary source documents and offers logical interpretation of the each with some detail
(16-17) Accurately differentiates between primary and secondary source documents but with gaps in reasoning or details that detract from logical interpretation of each

(14-15) Does not accurately differentiate between primary and secondary source documents or offer logical interpretation OR uses fewer than two primary sources and two secondary sources
(0-13) 20
Quotes, Paraphrases, Bibliography All citations and sources are formatted accurately

(14-15) Most citations and sources are formatted accurately

(12-13) At least two sources and two citations are formatted accurately
(11) Fewer than two sources and two citations are formatted accurately
(0-10) 15
Writing Mechanics No errors related to grammar or organization
(9-10) Errors of grammar and organization are marginal and rarely interrupt the flow
(8) Errors of grammar and organization are limited enough that the paper is still able to be understood
(7) Errors of grammar and organization make the paper difficult to understand
(0-6) 10
Earned Total
Comments: 100

€¢ Guidelines
You will choose from several preselected topics and resources in the folder below to complete your final project paper. Click on the attached document above to review the grading rubric for this assignment. Your paper will investigate the role of your particular topic in shaping contemporary issues, problems, or realities. This paper should not contain your opinion on the events, but rather it should present a thorough analysis of the information and historical context specific to your topic using your analysis of the two primary and two secondary sources to discuss your topic.

Look carefully at your sources as a whole. Do any of the documents provide conflicting accounts or viewpoints? Be sure to address possible reasons for this in your paper. Post any questions you have on this activity to the Final Project Q&A forum. Review the feedback you have received from your instructor on your topic choice/annotation and annotated bibliography submissionas you develop your paper.


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