For centuries, humanity

August 4, 2017
Groundwater Investigation and Management
August 4, 2017
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For centuries, humanity

For centuries, humanity

For centuries, humanity has relied on the solar connection between the sun and moon to determine time (eventually creating sun dials, watches, clocks, personal time pieces and even atomic clocks to simultaneously determine time throughout the universe. A new time-cop has emerged on the day and night time continuum with the intent of reconfiguring our assumed working view of time, how time is defined, and who dictates our timeliness to move, react, and act. Mass media (television, radio, the Internet, and Social Media) is this new time-cop and puppeteer.The mass media engines are redefining and repositioning time through subliminal manipulation and targeted product consumption. This machine has become so tactical and strategic as to predict and control the actual physical time in a twenty-four hour period when consumers will turn-on, and log-on, and tune in on their devices

1. Introduction €“ state the problem or introduce the research question being addressed
2. Delimiting the study €“ mapping out the boundaries, charting the course to be taken
3. Review of the literature €“ discussing what the scholars have already said on this subject; Identify and define the jargon and technical terms that will be used. Identify the main themes found in the literature €“ what are the main issues, questions, etc? What theories are being used to explain this issue? Compare and contrast €“ group related theories and topics together.
4. Theoretical Framework €“ Provide your own summary of the scholarly thinking you just reviewed. Explain how all of this will shape your research and the paper you are doing. Explain how the central theories will guide your research, shape how you will proceed, and help you understand the results.
5. Research Questions €“ Describe exactly what issues or questions you’re exploring.
6. Methodology €“ describe exactly how you’ll proceed through your study.
7. Data collection and reporting €“ this is not explaining results, this is just reporting what you found. Be clear, complete, concise, correct and coherent.
8. Discussion of results €“ making sense out of what you’ve found. Here is where you apply some of those theories to help explain what you’ve found. You can argue with the scholars, if you think you’ve found something new or different.
9. Conclusions €“ the I word can sneak in here €“ I found €¦ I think €¦ etc
10. Limitations of the study €“ what you wish you’d done, unanswered questions, your errors!
11. Ideas for future research €“ this paper has triggered further thinking €“ for another time.

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