Find the cause for the symptoms

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Find the cause for the symptoms

Assume your friend Charles D., is a 45-year-old male who is newly divorced and is living by himself in a new home.  He has told you about some health issues including weight loss, excessive thirst, and frequent urination. Charles has a busy schedule and does not have time to worry about himself.  You suggest that Charles see a doctor about his issues.


1. What is the most likely cause for the symptoms that Charles is exhibiting?


2. What information from the Charles’ symptoms contributed to your decision?


3. Is this a serious or life-threatening situation?


4. What treatments should a doctor prescribe for John?  Be specific and complete in this part of your answer.


5. Are there any other complications of this disease for the long term that your friend should be worried about, for example, if he didn’t get treatment?

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