Find a study that reports t-tests and/or confidence intervals. Write one paragraph describing the study and one paragraph that tells what the conclusions were from the study.

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Find a study that reports t-tests and/or confidence intervals. Write one paragraph describing the study and one paragraph that tells what the conclusions were from the study.

Find a study that reports t-tests and/or confidence intervals. Remember that you are looking for studies, not for a website that describes or explains t-tests and/or confidence intervals.

  • Write one paragraph describing the study and one paragraph that tells what the conclusions were from the study. These two paragraphs together should be a minimum of 150 words.
  • Paste the table or paragraph from the study which contains the t-tests and confidence intervals or attach the entire study if you are unable to paste just the part which contains the t-tests and/or confidence intervals.
  • Cite the study in appropriate APA format.

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