Ethnographic Comparison
Paper instructions:
Identify two to three societies to compare such as African, Indian, Chinese, Korean, or Native American. Please note that these are suggested societies; you may choose something not on this list.
Choose one aspect of human culture discussed in the course:
Domestic life and kinship
Subsistence and economy
Religion Culture change
Describe the background information of each of the societies you have chosen. You need not analyze this background information, only provide details regarding these societies.
Analyze the aspect of human culture you selected for each of the societies.
Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the societies in relation to the topic you chosefor example, standard of living, education, or employment opportunities.
Summarize and address human behavior in relation to your topic and based on your examples.
Address the realities of life for the cultures you have examined.
Examine some of the social problems and public policy issues that become apparent.
Your paper should have a title page as well as an introduction section. This introduction section should include the societies you selected as well as the human culture aspect you will be discussing and why it is relevant to anthropology. As an anthropologist, use relevant anthropological terms in your analysis.
Support your statements with examples and scholarly references.