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Answer these ethics questions after watching one of the following 2 movies given
Find access to ONE of the movies indicated and complete the Ethics Questions provided by the professor. You should include your answers as an attachment (use Word 97). Make sure to keep a copy of your completed document as backup. In developing your answers you should attempt to link them to class subjects and recent events.Give special attention to the two questions relating to the ethical dilemmas in the movie selected. I recommend you look up exactly what a dilemma is before completing the assignment.
I would prefer that you select one of the first two movies if you can find them. Sometimes they become available on YouTube but not permanently. Netflix may also have them available is you have a subscription or can get the free trial.

1. Too Big To Fail a movie directed by Curtis Hanson and chronicles the financial meltdown of 2008 centering on Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson.
2. Inside Job a documentary by film maker Charles Ferguson, narrated by Mark Damon and exposing events leading to the Economic Crisis of 2008. Information on the movie (not the movie itself) may b found at
Essay Questions: ________________________________

1. Please describe in detail what the major theme of the film is, expanding on what the movie is about.
2. Please explain how this movie will help you understand some topics of the course.
3. What can you take away from this movie to help you in your current or future job?
4. Identify and analyze as many as you can of the major and minor ethical dilemmas that are found in the movie.
5. Describe how each ethical dilemma was resolved in the movie. If you feel one or more dilemmas remained unresolved, please identify them and expand on the reasons you feel that way.
6. Explain how you would have resolved the ethical dilemmas yourself. Support your choices over those used in the movie.

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