Empathic Listening
How can empathetic listening assist when listening to respond, listening to learn, listening to be with, or listening to connect in order to go from concord to confirmation and prevent the conversation from going from concord to consolidation. Provide an emotional context (e.g. when someone else is angry, when you are angry, when some else needs forgiveness, when you need forgiveness).
Language Processing and Perception Bias
: Distinguish the different impacts of real, literal, and abstract motion in the course of normal language processing and perception bias. Reference the Dils reading and one previous reading to support your response
Dils, A.T., & Boroditsky, L. (2010). Processing unrelated language can change what you see. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 17 (6), 882-888 doi:10.3758/PBR.17.6.882
Retrieved from: http://psych.stanford.edu/~lera/papers/goose-hawk.pdf
Discuss the Importance of Listening as a Tool to Design Effective Organizational Structure