Exam 1
Total Points: 100
Student ID _______________
Peace Studies/SOCIOL/GEN HON 2255: Islam, Youth and Global Cultures
Address each of the following 7 items. Be sure to reference articles from the assigned course readings, providing quotes with page numbers to substantiate your points. You should have at least one double-spaced paragraph for questions 1 through 6. Question 7 requires you to submit a minimum of one and half double-spaced page/s.
You will be graded based on your attention to course concepts and the level to which you demonstrate that you have read and thought about the assigned readings beyond the power point material. Good luck and trust your analytic abilities.
According to Andy Furlong, the field of sociology of youth is characterized by specific topics and theoretical issues. Discuss any one of the following:
Youth as a socially constructed category
Youth experiences and institutional arrangements relating to education and employment
Youth and Structure/Agency Debate (10 points)
Discuss the different ways in which Andy Furlong and Bayat and Herrera approach the subject of generational consciousness (10 points).
What is Pam Nilan’s main argument in her article “Youth Sociology must Cross Boundaries”? How would you use Chandra Mohanty’s main arguments in “Under Western Eyes” to point out the limitations in Nilan’s work?
Sociologically define and discuss the notion of social context. What is the importance of understanding Muslim/Arab youth identity in the light of social context? What are some contextual variables that Bayat and Herrera discuss in relation to Muslim/Arab youth identities? (10 points)
In “Introduction” to Orientalism, what is Edward Said’s main argument? How does he explain orientalism? Provide a modern-day example of orientalism from Moustafa Bayoumi’s book. You may also provide a reference from popular culture. (15 points)
Highlight the significance of knowing someone’s experience? How is narrating someone’s experience and story telling a useful methodological tool? Can knowing someone’s experience be a source of conflict resolution? What are some arguments that Moustafa Bayoumi highlights in favor of storytelling. (15 points). List at least two clear theoretical arguments he points us to.
What is “Double-Consciousness”? Discuss and explain how it applies to the experiences of Arab American youth presented in Bayoumi’s text. In order to answer this question, you are expected to choose any one story from Bayoumi’s book and apply the notion of “double-consciousness”.
Define the concept.
Apply it to a story of your choosing. In your application of the concept, provide examples and use quotes to substantiate your arguments. Also, explain how the quotes you choose support your arguments. (50 points)