Differentiated Teaching Unit

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Differentiated Teaching Unit

Differentiated Teaching Unit

Differentiated Teaching Unit €“ final project .

Assessment Description/Instructions for Teacher Candidates: Select two students in the same program or classroom with disability conditions (as defined by ODE Ohio department of education eligibility for special education services). Each student must have a different disability condition but i did not find student with different disability in my observation classroom so i choose two students has the sam disability but has different needs and goals .Choose one center: i choose the circle tim in preschool interest area, or unit of instruction. These must be the same for each student. Design four (4) days of differentiated instructional activities for each student in the selected centers/interest areas/ units of instruction. Base the instructional activities on the individual student’s strengths and needs. In addition, the instructional activities must be aligned with the appropriate Academic Content Standards, be developmentally and age appropriate, and incorporate methodologies and content addressed in this course. in this assignment i have to create Differentiated Lesson Plans for 4 days in the same unite or center .
Theme/ Study/ Focus: letter
Center/ Interest Area/ Unit of Instruction:
circle time
Instructional Activity or Lesson Title:you need to write this topic in each day
day 1- recognize letters S with upper and lower case
day 2-sounds of litter S
day 3- writing litter S
day 4- matching objectives begin with litter S

keep in mind that you need to provide Differentiated Teaching and accommodation for each student in the lesson plan that meet their needs and goals . can you write something like this in lesson plan in writing letter S for student A writing on the sugar because he have He demonstrated difficulty with grasping using writing tools and scissors during the assessment. student B student will write letter S in chaving creme and wear gloves or hold brash to write because he had difficulty with grasp and use of school writing /drawing tools as well as scissors. he have sensory disorder so he do not like to touch the cream. i will upload 2 picture of this activity to know what i am talking about .
in other day for example :
use visual support for student b because he demonstrated difficulty with following directions and attending to task.
i will upload paper about types of curriculum Accommodation for more understanding the assignment.
also, i will upload example of IEP Accommodation you can use some of them which are meet the student need .
i will upload some corse material that you can use it in writing this project.

this is the discretion of my assignment . i will upload paper form of all the specific instruction for this assignment .
also, i will upload student A and B information .
i already did the student information section you have to do the area that lasted below :

Area, Center or Unit: Pick an area, center or unit to conduct 4 days of lessons
circle time

Rationale for Selection: Why did you select this?
for ex: because at this time skills demonstrated .

Arrangement of the Environment: How is the environment arranged to support all children and promote high levels of learning?

Location: Self contained? Regular ed? Tutoring? Home based? ECE setting? ECSE setting?
it is regular education class room with student with special need .

Differentiated Lesson Plans (attach 4 days of plans)
Attach See notes

Collaboration (involvement of staff and families)

Describe the involvement of paraprofessionals, support staff, families, general educators, etc. How are you collaborating with families and addressing their needs and future plans for their child? How can you collaborate with caregivers, professional, and / or agencies to support and extend children’s development and learning?

International Finance

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