Different ways of viewing the world shape different ways of researching the world (Crotty 2003:66). Discuss.

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Different ways of viewing the world shape different ways of researching the world (Crotty 2003:66). Discuss.

Different ways of viewing the world shape different ways of researching the world (Crotty 2003:66). Discuss.
MA Social Policy

Department of Social Work
Faculty of Health

Module Information Pack: Introduction to Social Research
1. Different ways of viewing the world shape different ways of researching the world (Crotty 2003:66). Discuss.

Reference: Crotty, M. (2003) The Foundations of Social research. Meanings and Perspectives in the Research Process. Sage: London.


Number of sources

1- Bryman, A. (1988) Quantity and Quality in Social Research. Routledge: London.

2- Creswell, J.W., (2009) Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Sage Publications.

3- Crotty, M., (2003) The Foundations of Social Research. Meanings and Perspective in the Research Process. Sage Publications: London.

4- Elliott, J., (2005) Using Narratives in Social Research. Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Sage Publications: London.

5- Fawcett, B., and Hearn, J., (2004) Researching others: epistemology, experience, standpoints and participation, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 7 (3), 201 €“ 218

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