Develop a platform for your political party.

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Develop a platform for your political party.

Create Your Own Political Party Scenario: Your family has always been very politically active. From a young age, you have been politically aware. When you were young, you worked with your parents as they supported their political party and you even helped during campaigns for the candidates your parents supported. In college, you were a leader of the organization on campus that was part of the political party you supported. This could have been the Young Democrats or the Young Republicans or any college group that supported the political party of your choice. Until your exposure at college, you always supported the same political party as your parents, but then your views began to change and you developed your own ideas, ideals and expectations. While you continued to remain politically active, you have become more and more disillusioned with the current major and third parties and movements on the political scene, having studied all thoroughly. You have come to be completely discouraged by the state of the political process as it pertains to political parties. In your opinion, none of the major or third parties truly represents the best interests of the citizens, and you have decided to create your own political party. Directions. In a 4-5 page Microsoft Word document, include the following: Name your political party and evaluate why you have chosen that name. Create a symbol for your political party and explain why you have chosen that symbol. Create a slogan for your political party and justify why you have chosen that slogan. Develop a platform for your political party. A platform is a written outline and explanation of what your party believes in and why. Your party can be a single-issue party, an ideological party, a splinter

this is 200points with 4-5pages

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