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Determine the importance of planning as part of the marketing process.

Assessment Task 1 – Marketing Report – 30% (Individual)
Learning Outcomes:
This assessment reflects Unit Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4. Students who successfully complete this task should be able to:
Examine the core marketing terms, evolution of the marketing concept and determine the need for ethical marketing practices.
Determine the importance of planning as part of the marketing process.
Analyse the environmental factors that impact an organisation.
Analyse the key principles and practices relating to market research

Assessment Task Requirements:
You are asked to conduct an Industry Analysis for a specific Industry in Australia. Please select one industry from the three Industries listed below:

Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
Snack Food Manufacturing
Sunscreen and other skincare products manufacturing

There is also a report template available on BlackBoard which you must use when writing the report.

It is highly recommended that you make yourself familiar with both the report requirements and the marking guide.

Due: Week 5 (Due second class of the week)
Worth: 30% Total

Details of the Report

You are asked to analyse an Industry where your analysis includes the following:

Part A: Industry Analysis

Market Definition –Define and describe the market. Your definition should come from the relevant IBIS report
Market Background and History- Provide an overview of the main factors that have impacted upon this industry. Include a history of the Industry in Australia and important events that have shaped the Industry. Extensive research from a range of sources is required.
Market Size – describe the size of the Industry (in terms of Sales/ Revenue) for the most recent year available. This information is available from the relevant IBIS report
Market Growth – describe the Sales/Revenue trend in the market for the past 5-10 years. You may also include the projected growth for the future. Your discussion should include a table with at least five years of data, a graph which you have prepared and a written discussion of the trend. Marks awarded for the correct figures provided as well as your interpretation of the trend. Base information can be obtained from the relevant IBIS report
Key Competitors – List and describe any two key competitors operating within the market. Your discussion needs to include at least a two paragraph discussion for each competitor. Identify the Competitors, their product offering and a general description of their operations. It is not sufficient to directly copy the information from IBIS. You are expected to synthesise the information from several sources and put in your own words.
Part B: Environmental Analysis

Critically evaluate and discuss one (1) environmental factor that has impacted this industry from 1st January 2015 to date. Describe an environmental factor that is currently affecting the Australian market or likely to affect it in the near future. You will need to provide evidence attached to the Appendices that support your discussion. This evidence will be a printout of actual Newspaper or Journal articles that can be sourced from one of the databases available through the Swinburne library. e.g. Proquest, Factiva, Ebscohost etc. Your teacher may run through access details to these databases within a Lab session. Please remember to correctly acknowledge sources of information for each article included.

The environmental factor can be either a micro and macro environmental factor.

Research & Referencing:

To complete this task successfully, students need to engage in extensive research.
Sources such as an IBIS report. Newspaper/journal databases, journal articles, websites, industry magazines and newspaper articles will be relevant to gather information.
You will be asked to provide a ‘Reference List’ (not a bibliography)

In-text referencing:

You MUST have a minimum of 5 references which include academic and newspapers. If you have not referenced your information correctly, your overall grade will be affected for this assessment.

Word Limit: 1500 words (excluding the Reference list and tables, graphs or charts)


This document MUST follow the structure of a formal report. Students have been provided with a Report Template which is available on BlackBoard and this shows how to correctly lay out the report.
(You can also refer the Communications Skills Handbook for additional information on how to correctly write a Business Report).

Grammar and written report:

It is expected that the report will be prepared and presented in a professional manner. Grammar and spelling will be assessed in this report. The report needs to be written in the third person and personal pronouns such as “I” and “we” are not to be included in the discussion

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