Describe two actions a trade union
Describe two actions a trade union could take during a dispute. To answer this question, you may wish to use the drawings above. (Knowledge and Understanding, 4 marks)
QUESTION 1 (CONTINUED) (b) Study the information below, then answer the question which follows.
Information about the town of Gleninch Gleninch is a town in Central Scotland which is about to elect a new Council. The town has suffered due to the economic recession and several factories have closed. The main problems of Gleninch are:
Gleninch Council
¢ A lack of new businesses in town ¢ Too few training courses for the unemployed ¢ A polluted local environment
Gleninch Labour Party needs to choose one new candidate for the next Council election. They are not sure which person, Emma McEwan or Lucy Hudd, would be the best candidate to deal with the problems of Gleninch. Emma McEwan Emma believes that many of the people who lost their jobs do not have the skills they need to get back into work. She wants to create new courses to re-train the unemployed so they are ready for work. Gleninch has several empty and vandalised factories. Emma wants the Council to knock them down and create new children’s play parks on the land. This would improve the local environment. Emma is 35 and has lived in Gleninch all her days. She is also a Labour Party member. Lucy Hudd Lucy is 42 and joined the Labour Party when she was a student at Gleninch College. Lucy aims to increase recycling in Gleninch and wants the Council to plant hundreds of trees around the local loch. She hopes this will help reduce air pollution. As many local factories have closed down, Lucy feels Gleninch Council needs to try harder to create new jobs. She believes the best way to do this is to give grants which would help new companies to set up in the town.
Using only the information above, decide which person, Emma McEwan or Lucy Hudd, would be the better choice to be the Labour candidate to deal with the problems of Gleninch. You must link the information about the problems of Gleninch to the person you have chosen. Give two reasons to support your decision. (Enquiry Skills, 4 marks) [2640/29/01] Page three [Turn over
QUESTION 1 (CONTINUED) (c) Study Sources 1 and 2 below, then answer the question which follows. SOURCE 1 Representation of women in Politics in the UK Year 1966 1979 1987 1997 2005 2010 Women Candidates 81 216 329 672 720 861 SOURCE 2 The main concerns of women voters One of the main concerns for women is education. They want the Government to spend more money on nurseries and schools. Many women work part-time hours to fit around their children. Part-time jobs are often the first to be cut when times are tough and this is a worry for many women. Usually, they are paid less than men, often on the minimum wage, making this their biggest worry. A final concern for women is the poverty of millions of children around the world. They want the Government to stick to their promise to help reduce poverty in Africa. Women MPs 26 19 41 120 128 143
Statements made by Kyle McManus ¢ The number of women MPs has increased every year since 1966. ¢ The biggest concern for women in the UK is unfair pay. ¢ The largest increase in women candidates was between 1987 and 1997. ¢ Women in the UK are only concerned about issues affecting them and their families. Using only Sources 1 and 2 above, write down two statements made by Kyle McManus which are exaggerated. Using the information in the Sources, give one reason why each of the statements you have chosen is exaggerated. (Enquiry Skills, 4 marks) [2640/29/01] Page four
QUESTION 1 (CONTINUED) Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) represent local people in a variety of ways outside of parliament. Inchdee MSP’s Diary
MAY 2013 Friday 10th 10am 2pm 7pm Saturday 11th 11am 3pm 8pm Sunday 12th 10am 8pm Five-a-side football at Astroturf Train back to Edinburgh 2.30 pm Meet local Party officials Surgery at local supermarket Meet local pressure group Cinema with family Train back to local area Visit pupils at Inchdee High School Attend local business group
Describe two ways in which MSPs represent local people outside of parliament. To answer this question, you may wish to use the information above. (Knowledge & Understanding, 4 marks)
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Page five
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The Government helps elderly people in many ways.
Describe two ways in which the Government helps elderly people. To answer this question, you may wish to use the drawings above. (Knowledge & Understanding, 4 marks)
Page six
QUESTION 2 (CONTINUED) (b) Study Sources 1 and 2 below, then answer the question which follows. SOURCE 1 VIEW OF A MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT Child poverty in the UK is a very serious problem as there are nearly 4 million children who are in poverty. In 2010, Parliament passed the Child Poverty Act, which made it a legal requirement to end child poverty by 2020. We will need to take many steps to make this happen, but the main one will be to encourage more parents to get a job. The UK should be proud that it has a much lower rate of child poverty than some other countries in Europe. SOURCE 2 VIEW OF A SOCIAL WORKER Child poverty must be ended by 2020, as a law has been passed which will make it illegal. There are many things the Government will need to do to achieve this, but the most important will be to increase benefits for families with children. Most European countries have much lower rates of child poverty than the UK which is something to be ashamed of. 3·9 million children live in poverty in our country which makes it one of the most important problems facing the UK.
Sources 1 and 2 give different views about child poverty in the United Kingdom. Write down two differences between these views. You must only use the information in the Sources above. (Enquiry Skills, 4 marks)
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Page seven
Some elderly people are better off than others.
Give two reasons to explain why some elderly people are better off than others. To answer this question, you may wish to use the drawing above. (Knowledge & Understanding, 4 marks)
Page eight
QUESTION 2 (CONTINUED) (d) Study Sources 1 and 2 below, then answer the question which follows. SOURCE 1 Types of Household in the UK 40 35 30 25 (%) 20 15 10 5 0
1 Person 2001
Couple with no chidren 2009
Couple with dependent children
Lone Parent
SOURCE 2 Marriage and Divorce in the UK There have been important changes recently in Britain. In 2008 there were 270,403 marriages in the UK compared to 273,856 the previous year. This was a change of 1% in England and Wales, 3·2% in Scotland, and 1% in Northern Ireland. The number of cohabiting couples in 2009 was 2·3 million and this is expected to continue to increase in the future. The number of divorces granted in 2009 was 126,496 compared to 135,994 the previous year. This is a change of 7%, but each part of the UK was different. In England and Wales the divorce rate changed by 6·4%, in Scotland by 9·9% and in Northern Ireland by 22%.
A couple with dependent children is the type of household in the UK which has seen the biggest change. The number of divorces in the UK has fallen. View of Ewan Findlay Using only Sources 1 and 2 above, give two reasons to support the view of Ewan Findlay. (Enquiry Skills, 4 marks)
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SYLLABUS AREA 3IDEOLOGIES QUESTION 3 Answer ONE section only: OR (A) THE USA (a) Section (A)The USA on pages ten to thirteen Section (B) China on pages fourteen to seventeen
Reasons why immigrants move to the USA
Immigrants move to the USA for many different reasons.
Give two reasons to explain why immigrants move to the USA. In your answer, you must use American examples. To answer this question, you may wish to use the drawings above. (Knowledge and Understanding, 4 marks)
Page ten
QUESTION 3 (A) (CONTINUED) (b) Study the information below, then answer the question which follows. Voter turnout in Mid-Term and Presidential Election Years (%) Year 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 Type of Election Mid-Term Presidential Mid-Term Presidential Mid-Term White 46·7 66·1 51·6 67·2 49·1 Black 43·5 64·7 41·0 60·0 42·3 Hispanic 31·2 49·9 32·3 47·2 30·4 Asian 30·8 47·6 32·4 44·1 31·2
Write down two conclusions about voter turnout in the USA. You should write one conclusion with evidence about each of the following. ¢ The group that voted most in all elections. ¢ Voter turnout in Presidential Election years compared to mid-term election years. Your answer must be based entirely on the information above. (Enquiry Skills, 4 marks)
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Page eleven
QUESTION 3 (A) (CONTINUED) You are investigating the topic in the box below. Health in the USA Answer questions (c), (d), and (e) which follow.
(c) As part of the Planning Stage, give two relevant aims for your investigation. (Enquiry Skills, 2 marks) You and your parents are on holiday visiting your relatives in Rockford in the USA. You decide to hand out a questionnaire to your relatives and their neighbours about your investigation.
(d) Give two advantages of using a questionnaire with your relatives and their neighbours in Rockford as a way of finding out information for your investigation. (Enquiry Skills, 2 marks)
Page twelve
QUESTION 3 (A) (CONTINUED) During your holiday in the USA, your relatives give you the most recent copy of the The Rockford Record, which is shown below.
The Rockford Record
SPECIAL REPORTS: America at War Full coverage of the War on Terror on page 12. Health Reform See Health Reform in the USA on pages 10 and 11 for more information on changes to health. Crime in the USASee pages 8 and 9 for an overview of crime problems in the USA. US Gaming Laws How do we compare with the rest of the USA? see page 6.
Important Public Meeting
There will be a public meeting about the possible hospital closure in Rockford City Hall tomorrow night. Come along and make your views known to the Chairperson of Rockford Health Council, hospital surgeons and local doctors.
Rockford Rebels win The Smith Trophy
Rockford Rebels top pitcher, Michael Taylor, has done it again. His nal pitch, recorded at 97 miles per hour, won the coveted Smith Trophy for the Rebels. He was given a hero’s welcome at City Hall.
Sign up online for your weekly newsletter at These specialised e-mails give extra information on each topic. News Breaking News Politics The 2012 Elections Issues Youth Crime Life Fashion Report Sports American Football
Is Rockford a healthy city? Death rates per 100,000 people Heart Disease Cancers Stroke Rockford 165 121 39
Decide for yourself. Stonepass 327 250 82 Pebble Beach 211 185 46 USA 254 198 59
Give two ways you could use the newspaper page above to help you with your investigation into Health in the USA. For each way, explain why it would be a good way to help you with your investigation. (Enquiry Skills, 4 marks) NOW GO TO QUESTION 4 ON PAGE EIGHTEEN
Page thirteen
Reasons why migrants move from the countryside to the city
In China, migrants move from the countryside to the city for many different reasons.
Give two reasons to explain why in China migrants move from the countryside to the city. In your answer you must use Chinese examples. To answer this question, you may wish to use the drawings above. (Knowledge & Understanding, 4 marks)
Page fourteen
QUESTION 3 (B) (CONTINUED) (b) Study the information below, then answer the question which follows. Voter Turnout in Hong Kong Council Elections (%) Type of Election By-election Full Election By-election Full Election By-election Hong Kong Island 17·1 45·6 18·5 55·6 19·5 New Territories East 15·8 44·2 15·4 56·4 16·7 New Territories West 13·4 42·5 16·3 53·5 17·1
Year 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002
Kowloon 17·5 50·2 19·2 56·5 20·2
Write down two conclusions about voter turnout in Hong Kong. You should write one conclusion with evidence about each of the following. ¢ The area which had the highest turnout in all elections. ¢ Voter turnout in full election years compared to by-election years. Your answer must be based entirely on the information above. (Enquiry Skills, 4 marks)
[Turn over
Page fifteen
QUESTION 3 (B) (CONTINUED) You are investigating the topic in the box below. Health in China Answer questions (c), (d), and (e) which follow.
As part of the Planning Stage, give two relevant aims for your investigation. (Enquiry Skills, 2 marks)
You and your parents are on holiday visiting your relatives in Nanjing in China. You decide to hand out a questionnaire to your relatives and their neighbours about your investigation.
(d) Give two advantages of using a questionnaire with your relatives and their neighbours in Nanjing as a way of finding out information for your investigation. (Enquiry Skills, 2 marks)
Page sixteen
QUESTION 3 (B) (CONTINUED) During your holiday in China, your relatives give you the most recent copy of the The Nanjing News, which is shown below.
SPECIAL REPORTS: Environmental Concern Full coverage of the Problems of Pollution on Page 12. Health Reform See Health Reform in China on pages 10 and 11 for more information on changes to health. Crime in China See pages 8 and 9 for an overview of crime problems in China. Earthquake Update How are areas hit by the recent earthquake recovering? see page 6.
The Nanjing News
Important Public Meeting
There will be a public meeting about the possible hospital closure in Nanjing City Hall tomorrow night. Come along and make your views known to the Chairperson of Nanjing Health Council, hospital surgeons and local doctors.
Nanjing footballer to head for English Premiership
Nanjing teenager Tai Ren Xian is o to ful l his soccer dream. Several Premiership clubs are after the local boy and he looks set to play there next season.
Sign up online for your weekly newsletter at These specialised e-mails give extra information on each topic. News Breaking News Politics President’s Visit to Europe Issues Youth Crime Life Fashion Report Sports Table Tennis
Is Nanjing a healthy city? Death rates per 100,000 people Heart Disease Cancers Stroke Nanjing 165 121 39
Decide for yourself. Shenzhen 327 250 82 Wuhan 211 185 46 China 254 198 59
(e) Give two ways you could use the newspaper page above to help you with your investigation into Health in China. For each way, explain why it would be a good way to help you with your investigation. (Enquiry Skills, 4 marks) NOW GO TO QUESTION 4 ON PAGE EIGHTEEN [2640/29/01] Page seventeen [Turn over
The Work of NATO
The membership of NATO has increased from 12 to 28 countries. Give two reasons why countries wish to become a member of NATO. To answer this question you may wish to use the drawings above. (Knowledge & Understanding, 4 marks)
Page eighteen
QUESTION 4 (CONTINUED) (b) Study the Timeline below, then answer the question which follows. TIMELINE LIBYA KEY EVENTS 20092011 DATE 2009 August 2009 September 2010 January 2010 June 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 October EVENT The man found guilty of the Lockerbie bombing is released from prison in Scotland and returns to his home country of Libya. Libya holds massive celebrations to mark forty years since Colonel Gaddafi became President. Some small protests take place but are violently stopped by the police. Russia agrees to sell Libya weapons worth $1·8bn. The deal is thought to include fighter jets, tanks and anti-aircraft missiles. The UN refugee agency UNHCR is expelled from Libya after criticising Colonel Gaddafi. Violent protests in the Libyan city of Benghazi rapidly spread to other cities. Most of the country is soon fighting a civil war against Colonel Gaddafi. Hundreds of thousands of refugees try to escape the fighting in Libya by crossing into Egypt and Tunisia where they rely on the UNHCR for food. A civil war rages on in Libya. Colonel Gaddafi destroys rebel towns and kills many of his own people. Colonel Gaddafi is killed by rebel fighters and the civil war appears to be over.
Protests against Gaddafi took place before the start of the civil war in 2011. Libya hasn’t been able to afford any new weapons in recent years. The civil war has done great damage to Libya and its people. Unfortunately, the UNHCR has been unable to help Libya’s refugees. View of Leila Bouhitem, North African journalist Using only the information above, write down two statements made by Leila Bouhitem which are exaggerated. Using the Timeline, give one reason why each of the statements you have chosen is exaggerated. (Enquiry Skills, 4 marks)
Page nineteen
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Image removed for copyright reasons
Choose two of the UN Specialised Agencies above. For each Agency, describe one way in which it helps meet the needs of African people. (Knowledge & Understanding, 4 marks)
Page twenty
QUESTION 4 (CONTINUED) (d) Study Sources 1 and 2 below, then answer the question which follows SOURCE 1 UK Aid Report (2010) The United Kingdom gave £2,277 million to support Multi-Lateral aid organisations in 2010. It gave £1,100 million of this through the European Union and the remainder was given through the World Bank and other United Nations programmes. As well as this, the UK Government also gave aid by donating to charities. A total of £98 million was given in this way. The Red Cross received the largest amount. Finally, the United Kingdom Government gave £3,288 million in Bi-Lateral aid directly to countries in need. The main countries helped in this way were: Ethiopia (£165 million), Bangladesh (£133 million) and Afghanistan (£147 million). SOURCE 2 The percentage of total wealth given in aid by selected European countries (2010) European Country Belgium Denmark Finland Ireland Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Spain Sweden United Kingdom Percentage of total wealth given in aid 0·47 0·82 0·42 0·58 0·92 0·80 0·88 0·44 0·98 0·43
In 2010, the United Kingdom gave a lower percentage of its wealth in aid than most other European countries. The UK Government provided more aid through Multi-Lateral organisations than any other way. View of Professor George Morrow Using only Source 1 and Source 2 above, give one reason to support and one reason to oppose the view of Professor George Morrow. (Enquiry Skills, 4 marks) [END OF QUESTION PAPER] [2640/29/01] Page twenty-one