Describe the intervention you will perform to change the organization for the better. Give details about the following: How will you generate support for the change you’ve proposed? Who will be involved?

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Describe the intervention you will perform to change the organization for the better. Give details about the following: How will you generate support for the change you’ve proposed? Who will be involved?

Project Overview

The objective for your final course project is to identify a need for change in a company or organization with which you are affiliated (past of present) and propose a plan for managing that change.

In this module your project outline is due with specific details you have uncovered via research. Although complete sentences are not necessary, your bullet points should be in complete thoughts; for example, saying your intervention is for “group process” does not say enough about what you are planning. Mentioning using a specific type of intervention to improve group performance is a complete thought. This is the time to look ahead in your research to find the right intervention for the problem or opportunity you have uncovered.

Submit your completed outline as a 1-2 page Word document. Click the link below for a sample outline with helpful hints.



Proposal title: Sample Outline for Organizational Development



  • Concisely describe what you are proposing, why there is a need for this change and how the company will be better for the change. (Approx. 1-2 paragraphs)
  • Note: it often helps to write this portion last after you’ve organized your thoughts.



  • Fully describe the problem using secondary research.
    • Who are the primary stakeholders?
    • How long has the problem been going on?
    • What are the “symptoms” of the problem?
    • How is it impacting the success of the business?
    • Note: in actual practice, the problem definition would be followed by primary research to confirm the diagnosis.



  • Describe the intervention you will perform to change the organization for the better. Give details about the following:
    • How will you generate support for the change you’ve proposed?
    • Who will be involved?
    • What are your objectives for the intervention?


Best Practices:

  • How have other companies handled the kind of change you are proposing?
  • What can you identify as best practices?
  • What did you learn that you wouldn’t do?
  • How did this knowledge help you define your plan?



  • Develop a detailed action plan including a timetable for implementation.
    • How will you structure it?
    • What techniques will you use?
    • How much time will it take?
    • How will you communicate the results?
    • How will you ensure a system for feedback and renewal?


International Contingency:

  • Based on what you learned from your research, how would you modify your plan to match the culture and business practices of the region you chose (China, Japan, India, or Mexico)?
  • Be specific and provide support.




  • Summarize the value of your plan
  • Reinforce how the company will be better after the change
  • Suggest next steps to get the plan moving in the right directio

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