Description: Imagine you have started a Resume writing business. You have been sent unformatted information from your first client, including personal details (address, etc.), employment history, education, prizes, publication record and hobbies. The unformatted information is provided on page 3 below (following the instructions).
Part A: Working individually, you are required to prepare a Resume for the client. The Resume must have the following components appropriately labelled.
And Porter’s three generic strategies for competitive advantage are
III. III. Focus
Ø Describe Porter’s competitive forces in relation to how each will affect your business. Ø Explain how you will use Porter’s three generic strategies to make your business better than others.
Part C. Suppose that your company is well established and you have many clients. You have stored each client’s data in a relational database. For example, each client’s record may take up a row and particular aspects of their resume (fields) would occupy the columns. Ø Write a basic data dictionary for your database, so that you can hire an assistant to enter client data into your database correctly. (Recall that a data dictionary shows the location and type of variables/fields such as client name [text], address [text], year of first job [date], etc., ….)
Client Information for Resume: Joe Brown Age 50 Australian citizen Year 2006 -2010 Marketing, Media and Business Development Manager for Hudson Incorporated. Year 2000 – 2002: Lecturer in Discipline of Marketing at Victoria University Year 2002 -2005: Lecturer in Discipline of Marketing at Monash University 1993-1997 Bachelor degree majoring in Marketing and Commerce, Melbourne University 1998- 2000 Masters Degree of Marketing, London University 2012- 2014 Marketing and Development Coordinator, Jazz Company, Melbourne Address: 50 Mary Street, East Melbourne 8002 1997 Melbourne University Research Scholarship 2001 Manager’s Course, University of Geelong 2010 – 2012 Marketing Coordinator at Treadwell Group Pty Ltd J Brown, M Hearne, S Lim, (2007) Knowing Your Customers: How Salesperson Perceptions Influence your profit. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 76, No. 3, pp. 34-56 J Brown, X Lee, Z Fin, and J Asara (2013) Marketing Effectiveness and Price Discounts. American Journal of Marketing, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 120-141. J Brown, M Hane, B Long, (2000) Marketing and Communication. ANZ Journal of Marketing, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 22-33 Marketing Australasia prize 2008, Marketing Association of Australasia Marketing and management prize 2009, Marketing Association of Victoria Hobbies include, fishing, painting and woodwork