Empiricism and Rationalism are two theoretical approaches to human knowledge. Discuss their points of difference.
Research Paper 1000 words
Please note the number of the question you are answering: only answer one of these questions:
Where there are multiple questions inside prompts – try to answer them all in your essay.
- Describe and analyze Descartes arguments for why he believes the Mind and Body are distinct.
- Is there a problem about how the Mind and Body can interact, if Dualism is true?
- What is Turing’s ‘Imitation Game’, and what is it supposed to show?
- Is it possible for a machine to ‘think’? To be ‘conscious’? To ‘understand’? Explain with reference to your readings in the Philosophy of Mind module.
- Describe and analyze Searle’s ‘Chinese Room’ argument. Does it show what Searle claims it does?
- What is a ‘brain in a vat’? What is the thought experiment supposed to show? Can one prove that one is NOT a brain in a vat?
- Do we have free will? Does our physical and psychological history/past determine our future?
- Compare and contrast Compatibilism and In compatibilism about free will.
- Describe the view of Stance on language and free will.
- What is Aristotle’s idea of ‘Eudaimonia’?
- What can one do to become a virtuous person, according to Aristotle?