Your Assignment:
Describe a situation in your work or personal life, either experienced or witnessed, in which a decision or action of moral gravity was made or taken. You may choose to write this to me or to any audience you specify (advice to a friend, for example). You may write this in the third person or the first person – whichever feels more right to you. This is your story, so you need to tell it in a way that makes sense to you and so that your discussion is clear to your reader. Once you have described the situation, please discuss your answers to the following questions:
(I didn’t give this assignment a descriptive title because I know you will be able to give it a better one once you’ve written it)
Remember that this analysis paper will be graded according to the Analysis Paper 2 Rubric, found in your syllabus and attached here on Blackboard for your reference. Remember to make liberal use of resources and include a reference section for the things you refer to. As always, formatting is your choice and length itself is irrelevant; just be sure to check the prompt above and the rubric to be sure you’ve got the job done.
Happy writing! I look forward to reading what you’ve chosen to write about and how these moral dilemmas turned out …